Englewood-Venice Chapter 0717
Florida Federation of NARFE Chapters, NARFE Florida, Inc.
National Association of Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE)
Chapter Bylaws
Preamble: The following constitute the Chapter Bylaws. They being enacted by the Chapter membership for the efficient operation and administration of the Chapter, and to authorize the use of authority delegated by the Chapter membership. The Chapter membership as a committee of the whole reserves the right to review and revise any decision made or action taken under the delegated authority in these Bylaws.
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This chapter shall be known as the Englewood-Venice Chapter 0717 (the Chapter) of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (the Association). The Chapter shall be affiliated with the Florida State Federation of Chapters (NARFE Florida, Inc.) (the Federation), subject to the constitution and bylaws of that body.
Section 1. The objectives of this Chapter shall be to support and work toward the objectives of the Association as set forth in Rule IV, Section 2C of the National Bylaws, as follows:
Establish at the local level a means of direct participation in achieving Association objectives and goals.
Provide opportunities at the local level to become informed on the issues confronting the Association at the federal and state levels.
Provide mutual assistance and support to solve problems that an individual member may be unable to solve alone.
Establish at the local level programs for recruitment and retention of Association members.
Keep members informed on the plans and activities of the Association.
Gain the member’s appreciation of the Association’s need for, and importance of, their active support.
Section 2. The Chapter shall not enter into activities, arrangements or agreements that conflict with the programs or activities of the Association or its bylaws.
Section 1. Chapter Voting Members. Any member of the Association who is a dues paying member or otherwise in good standing in the Association shall be eligible to join the Chapter as a Chapter dues paying and Voting Member, including Associate and Honorary Chapter members. In accordance with National Bylaws Article IV, Section 5F1, Associate Members are Association members who affiliate with any chapter in addition to their primary chapter. Associate members shall pay Chapter dues directly to the Chapter and cannot hold office in the Chapter.
Section 2. Chapter non-Voting Members. In accordance with National Bylaws Article IV, Section 5F2, Social Members, those who are not eligible to join the Association, may enroll and participate in the Chapter upon payment of Chapter dues to the Chapter, but without payment of Association dues. A Social Member may neither hold officer nor have a vote except in matters about social events of purely local concern.
Section 1. The Chapter dues are Fourteen Dollars ($14.00) annually and shall be used to meet expenses of carrying out Chapter business and functions.
Section 2. Any Chapter document relating to dues or contributions must contain this statement: “Dues payment and gifts or contributions to NARFE are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.”
Section 1. Elected Chapter officers shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The officers shall be voting members, but not Associate members, and elected at the May meeting. The Nominating Committee shall report its recommendations for the four (4) elective officer positions during the regular business meeting in March. Nominations from the floor will also be accepted at that meeting. Members nominated for elected office will be listed in the April and May Newsletters. The election of officers shall be conducted at the regular business meeting in May. Names of the officers-elect will be announced at that meeting and in the June Newsletter. Offices for which only one candidate is nominated do not require balloting and the candidate may be declared elected by acclamation. The Installation of Officers shall occur during the Annual Meeting in June.
Officers serve for a term of one (1) year or until their successors are elected and installed. There are no term limits. Officers shall assume their duties at the time they are installed into office. Officers shall fulfill their standard duties which are detailed in the Association Chapter & Federation Officers Manual, F-10, these Bylaws and Chapter Standing Rules. Also, the Officers shall exercise such authority and duties as the Chapter may prescribe and those in the Association’s National Bylaws and Standing Rules appropriately modified for Chapter Officers.
Section 2. Vacancy. If there is a vacancy in the office of the president, the vice president shall serve as president until the next election. If there is a vacancy in any other office, the Executive Committee shall fill such vacancy for the unexpired term.
Section 3. An Executive Committee consisting of:
The elected Chapter officers.
The immediate Past President of the Chapter for a term not to exceed one year from the date of the completion of his or her term of office, if in good standing in the Chapter.
The following appointed officers and committee chairs: Legislative, Service, Membership, Programs, Chaplain and other appointed officers and committee chairs as appropriate.
The Executive Committee shall exercise such authority and duties as the Chapter may prescribe in addition to those appropriately modified for the Chapter use and consistent with those included in the Association’s National Bylaws and Standing Rules.
A quorum for an Executive Committee meeting shall consist of five (5), including a minimum of two (2) of the elected Chapter officers listed in
Section 4. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except for the Audit and Nominating Committees.
Section 5. The Chapter may by resolution require the Treasurer to give bond for the faithful performance of his or her duties. The expense of obtaining a bond shall be paid from Chapter funds.
Section 1. The Membership Committee shall be appointed by the President. The committee is responsible for recruitment and retention, maintenance of Chapter membership rosters, reports preparation, and mailing labels production. The Committee Chair will prepare a plan that describes organized efforts to gain and keep members, encourage dues withholding, and contact lapsed members. All members are, by virtue of chapter membership, considered members of this committee.
Section 2. The Legislative Committee shall be appointed by the President. The committee is responsible for keeping the membership aware of state and national legislative matters concerning federal civil annuitants and prospective annuitants; informing and making recommendations for action to the Chapter, the Federation and the Association. The Legislative Officer (Committee Chair) will plan activities for the Chapter membership in support of the Association’s Legislative Agenda and other legislative policy goals.
Section 3. The Service Committee shall be appointed by the President. The committee is responsible for helping members with issues such as survivor benefits, insurance information and claims, annuity problems and difficulties, etc. The Service Officer (Committee Chair) should work with other of the Association’s Benefits Specialists and obtain information necessary to perform the duties of the position.
Section 4. The President shall appoint the following committees and officers: Alzheimer’s, Chaplain, Facebook Manager, Historian, Newsletter Editor, Programs, Public Relations Officer, Sunshine Committee, Webmaster, and Calling Committee. The President may establish (and disestablish) other committees as may be needed with the concurrence of the Executive Committee.
Section 1. The President shall appoint an Audit Committee to annually audit the financial records of the Chapter at the close of each year and prepare and present a written report of findings.
Section 2. The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee at the beginning of each year.
Section 3. The President may establish other committees as may be needed with the concurrence of the Executive Committee.
Section 1. Regular business meetings of the Chapter shall be held the third Thursday of each month, except none during July and August, unless a meeting is cancelled by previous chapter vote or by action of the Executive Committee, with due and reasonable notice to members. Regular business meetings will be held at time and place designated by the Executive Committee or Chapter membership. The regular meeting in June shall be the Annual Meeting and include the presentation of annual committee reports and the Installation of Officers.
Section 2. A quorum for conducting Chapter business shall consist of ten percent (10%) of the Chapter’s voting members, but less than a quorum may adjourn to meet on a future date, of which due notice shall be given to each voting member. If less than a quorum is present, no decisions may be made.
Section 3. All meetings of the Chapter, including the Executive Committee, shall be open to the membership.
Section 4. Special Chapter meetings may be called by the President, the Executive Committee or upon written request of ten percent (10%) of the Chapter’s voting members. Due notice of all special meetings shall be provided to each Chapter member at least seven (7) days before such meeting.
Section 5. Regular business meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held the first Thursday of each month, except none during July and August or when cancelled by the Executive Committee. Regular and Special meetings of the Executive Committee will be held at a time and place designated by the Executive Committee when possible, or the President. Meetings shall be held in conference, but may include attendance by telephone or video calls. If practicable, all Executive Committee members are to be notified at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of any meeting.
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall establish and amend, at its pleasure, a Chapter Fiscal Policy (Standing Rule #2) as a guideline upon which financial decisions are based. The Executive Committee will approve expenditures and/or establish budgets upon which expenditures can be made. The President is authorized to approve routine recurring payments such as newsletter expenses, post office box renewals and postage, web site expenses, office supplies, etc.
Section 2. Expenses of Chapter designated Delegate(s) to attend Association and Federation conventions, meetings and conferences may be paid or reimbursed by the Chapter as determined by the Executive Committee in accordance with the current Chapter Fiscal Policy.
The provisions found in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern Chapter business in all matters not in conflict with the Chapter Bylaws, Standing Rules or the Association’s Articles of Incorporation and National Bylaws.
Section 1. Amendments to these bylaws shall be made by concurrence of two-thirds (2/3) of the Chapter voting members present and voting at any regular business meeting, provided written notice of the proposed amendments has been transmitted to all Chapter voting members not less than thirty (30) days before the meetings at which the vote is taken. Amendments may be proposed in writing by the Executive Committee or twenty percent (20%) of the Chapter voting membership.
Section 2. Amendments shall be approved at the Association’s National Headquarters before becoming effective.
Generally, the following order of business shall be observed, but this order may be deviated from as dictated by expediency in conducting the business session:
Call to Order.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Introduction of New Members and Visitors.
Reading of the Minutes.
Officers Reports.
Committee Reports.
Unfinished Business.
New Business.
The Executive Committee shall establish and amend, at its pleasure, a Chapter Fiscal Policy as a guideline upon which financial decisions are based. The Executive Committee will approve expenditures and/or establish budgets upon which expenditures can be made. The President is authorized to approve routine recurring payments such as newsletter expenses, post office box renewals, office supplies, etc.